On the last day of daddy's vacation, we all woke up early (not to daddy's liking) to some dreary weather. It was COLD and cloudy. We bummed it most of the morning, had some organic, free-range pork links for breakfast (to daddy's liking) and I thought we needed an adventure that day. So I asked Norah if she would like to go on an adventure. Much to my delight, she obliged.
She thought that meant a trip to the park, but with rain on the way, I had to think fast. I said, "Nope, we're taking a trip in the back yard. And there's a picnic involved."
Norah said, "Involved."
"Otay, momma."
I said, "You're going to need some solution to spray on the new species of plants we discover and a measuring tape." I didn't know what the measuring tape was for, but it was sitting around and looked very official. They also all fit into her little purse perfectly. The plan was coming along. We gathered our snacks, our tools, some blankets. We're off.
Then I realized we needed an objective for the 'adventure'. Daddy was coming along, bringing Omi for the ride, and Nathan was in on it because he knew he'd get snacks if he tagged along. Whatever to get the big brother to join in the pretending...
Objective: A Search & Rescue of the Infant
Scenario: We are on a wilderness hike. There is a baby missing among wild animals and we must track through the jungle, catch the wild mountain cat, and rescue the baby.
Easy enough...
Along the way, there were many obstacles to overcome. This one was a bridge we had to cross. Slowly, slowly. Have you ever seen a better dressed rescue girl? And little did she know, she could have rescued the baby right then. But she had a better idea...
In her left hand, the rope.
She sees in the distance the wild mountain cat that has been tracking us and stalking the baby.
Norah is in pursuit of the catch.
She managed to wrestle the cat to the ground without a scratch on her. We decided not to harm the beast, but find the baby and let the wild cat go later.
Safe and sound. What an Adventure!
Time to eat.
Some of the food on the menu is as follows:
Giant Orange Maggots (Mandarin oranges)
Dried Iguana Blood (craisans)
Wild Boar Meat (leather fruit bars)
Fossil Dinosaur Eggs (grapes)
Puss from the new Mushroom species (yogurt)
You just made me laugh so hard! That was great! How do you come up with something like that? I could just imagine the whole story in my head, and the pictures are great.