All you need is love. All you need is love, love. Love is all you need...
I LOVE those verses.
In the Curran home, there is a another description of what love is.
LOVE is not knowing how to teach pre-algebra, but loving it anyway.
LOVE is turning the neighborhood bully into a friend.
LOVE is stopping the cleaning, the laundry, the school work to listen to a story that makes no sense to you, but was the highlight of your child's day.
LOVE is picking up after everyone else even when cups, socks, and toys are not yours.
LOVE is listening to
"Father Abraham" or "The Bumble Bee Song" over and over and over again and actually enjoying it every single time.
LOVE is having and endless supply of yogurt for the times when kissing the booboos doesn't work.
LOVE is bringing the baby to bed with you for the eighth night in a row because she just wants to snuggle with moma.
LOVE is pretending that the living room floor is the lava and the couch is the rescue boat.
LOVE is repeating the same answer to the same question over and over again until it satisfies the curiosity of the toddler.
I love your blog about love. Made me laugh and smile. Those are good definitions of love for a family :)