Monday, August 17, 2009

Little Girls Growing Up

Daddy with my two beautiful girls.
We went to the store one night, came home and Norah crashed. I was feeding Naomi, Norah climbed into my lap and this is how she fell asleep. See her head? Hardly. She was literally flung over my lap with her head between the pillows of the couch.

This is Omi covered in glow sticks. We enjoy using our children for our personal entertainment.

Norah likes to sit on the bathroom counter and watch me get ready everyday. Sometimes she 'gets ready' too. This is her lipstick job.

I have a dish with all my makeup in it. She enjoys going through it and imitating what I do with each object. This is one of the torturing devises: the eyelash curler. If only you could just hold it up to your face and it worked.

Norah is going to grow up and I'm going to tell her that her favorite past time is flossing her teeth. Notice the three feet of floss it takes to floss her 8 teeth.

This was bath time turn potty time. Standing in the tub, she tells me she needs to 'poop' which really means, "I'm ready to get out and I know if I say 'poop' then you'll get me out of here." She is very amused with herself here.

Princess Norah (who still fits into her Bumbo seat at 2 years old) with Hannah, Hannah, and Lydia (who is hiding) I'm not sure who's idea it was to carry her around like royalty. I wouldn't put it past Norah to insist on going for a 'ride'.

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